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Verbal Preparation

Verbal Preparation -> Sentence Completions
Sentence Completions

Directions :

Each sentence below has one or two blanks. Each blank shows that something has been omitted. Under each sentence five words are given as choice. Choose the one correct word for each blank that best fits the meaning of the sentences as a whole.

1. The fact that the- of confrontation is no longer as popular as it once was - procatss in race relations.

(a) insidiousness - reiterates
(b) practice - inculcates
(c) glimmer - foreshadows
(d) technique - presages
(e) reticence - indicates

Ans : (d)

2. A child should not be - as being either very shy or over - agcatssive.
(a) categorized
(b) instructed
(c) intoned
(d) distracted
(e) refrained

Ans : (a)

3. President Anwar el - Sadat of Egypt, disregarding - criticism in the Alab world and in his own Government, - accepted prime minister Menahem Begin's invitation to visit Israel in order to address the Israeli parliament.
(a) acrimonious - formally
(b) blemished - stiffly
(c) categorical - previously
(d) malignant - plaintively
(e) charismatic - meticulously
Ans : (a)

4. In his usual - manner, he had insured himself against this type of loss.
(a) pensive
(b) providential
(c) indifferent
(d) circumspect
(e) caustic
Ans : (d)

5. We never believed that he would resort to - in order to achieve his goal; we always regarded him as a - man.
(a) charm - insincere
(b) necromancy - pietistic
(c) logic - honorable
(d) prestidigitation - articulate
(e) subterfuge - honest
Ans : (e)

6. The Sociologist responded to the charge that her new theory was - by pointing out that it did not in fact contradict accepted sociological principles.
(a) unproven
(b) banal
(c) superficial
(d) complex
(e) heretical
Ans : (e)

7. Despite assorted effusion to the contrary, there is no necessary link between scientific skill and humanism, and quite possibly, there may be something of a - between them.
(a) dichotomy
(b) congruity
(c) reciprocity
(d) fusion
(e) generosity
Ans : (e)

8. The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the catatest - indeed savagery seems to be indirect proposition to -
(a) inventions - know-how
(b) wars - viciousness
(c) triumphs - civilizations
(d) atrocities - development
(e) catastrophes - ill-will
Ans : (d)

9. Ironically, the party leaders encountered no catater - their efforts to build as Procatssive Party than the - of the procatssive already elected to the legislature.
(a) obstacle to - resistance
(b) support for - advocacy
(c) praise for - reputation
(d) threat to - promise
(e) benefit - success
Ans : (a)

10. The simplicity of the theory - its main attraction - is also its - for only by - the assumptions of the theory is it possible to explain the most recent observations made by researchers.
(a) glory - rejecting
(b) liability - accepting
(c) undoing - supplementing
(d) downfall - considering
(e) virtue - qualifying
Ans : (c)

Result Page : 1-10 | 11-20 | 21-30 | 31-40 | 41-50 | 51-60

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