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CAT Analysis 2006


This year, we saw an extremely malnourished Common Admission Test (just 75 questions as against 90 last year). The Verbal Ability section seemed to have been imported straight from Her Majesty's palace! And the biggest surprise: Perennial villain 'Quant' turned saviour.

As expected, CAT 2006 threw up surprises. These were the prominent ones:

  1. There were five options instead of the customary four, making it similar to GRE/ GMAT.
  2. Every single question in VA was inferential, with the options being extremely close. One felt the necessity of an electron microscope to discriminate amongst them.
  3. Grammar, the eternal favourite, was nowhere in sight. Para jumbles, where art thou?
  4. Quant, surprisingly, failed to intimidate. It was like vanilla ice cream with hot chocolate and nuts on top. Need we say more?
  5. DI/ Reasoning had no surprises. It was similar to the mock tests you have been writing in the past three months (in fact, easier).
CAT  2006
Section Topic No of Qs Total marks Suggested time (min) Possible attempts Possible scores Expected
I Logical Reasoning and Data Interpretation 25 75 40 15 40 + 30-33
II Verbal Ability 25 75 55 16 35 + 28-32
III Quantitative Ability 25 75 55 15 40 + 38-42
Total 75 300 150 46 135 + 105-110
Expected Cutoffs for different institutes

  • Any one IIM call: 110
  • MDI, SP Jain: 100-105
  • IMT, TAPMI, IMI: 85
  • KJ Somaiya, BIM, UBS Welingkar: 75
  • FORE, ITM, LBS: 75
CAT 2006 vs CAT 2005, CAT 2004
Parameter CAT 2006 CAT 2005 CAT 2004
Number of sections 3 3 x 2 3 x 2
Number of questions 75 90 123
Difficulty level (Overall) Moderate Difficult Difficult
Difficulty level (Quant) Easy Average Average
Difficulty level (EU + RC) Difficult Average Average
Difficulty level (DI + DS + AR) Moderate Difficult Difficult
Expected cut-off (Overall) 105-110 47-49 55
Expected cut-off (Quant) 38-42 12-13 16
Expected cut-off (EU + RC) 28-32 17-18 21
Expected cut-off (DI + DS + LR) 30-33 10-11 14
Section-wise analysis

~Section I: Quantitative Ability
Topic CAT 2006 CAT 2005 CAT 2004
Overall 25 30 35
Arithmetic 10 9 13
Number system 7 5 6
Percentage, SI-CI, PLD 1 0 0
Ratio proportion 1 0 4
Speed Time Distance, Work 1 4 3
Algebra 9 8 9
Equations & inequalities 4 2 2
Functions & graphs 1 2 4
Maxima minima 2 2 0
Series, sequences & progressions, logs 2 2 3
Geometry 4 10 10
Plane geometry 4 6 9
Mensuration 0 3 1
Co-ordinate geometry + trigonometry 0 1 0
Modern math 2 3 3
Miscellaneous math 0 0 0
~Section II: English usage & Reading comprehension
Topic-wise breakup
Topic CAT 2006 CAT 2005 CAT 2004
Overall 25 30 50
English usage 0 18 29
Usage dictionary 0 3 10
Vocabulary: Contextual meaning 0 0 3
Para jumbles 0 3 8
Sentence completion 5 4 3
Sentence correction 0 4 3
Replacement of words 0 4 0
Critical reasoning 5 0 2
Reading Comprehension 15 12 5 passages    (21 Q)
Politics and social 1 4 Q (2 marker) 2 Passages    (8 Q)
History and mythology 0 0 1 Passages    (5 Q)
Science, technology 0 0 1 Passage      (4 Q)
Business & economics 0 0 1 Passage      (4 Q)
Fiction, philosophy, law  2 4 Q (2 marker) 0
Psychology & management 0 4 Q (2 marker) 0
  Traseira        C�pia

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