In the last few years, hotel companies have undergone an intense process of development, globalisation and vertical concentration. This has brought about a training deficit among practitioners, who need skills, which provide them with a corporate vision in the management of hotel groups. This is especially important due to the economic weight of the hotel sector in the world economy. The MBA in Hotel Management program has been conceived with a view to overcoming the lack of hotel chain managers, and it will provide a solid base in business and sectorial specialisation. Therefore, it is an MBA addressed to the hotel sector. All the course is imparted at university level and with the teaching quality that the UAB is renowned for. Localisation strategies and multimarket activity influence strategic management and value creation, and evolve progressively towards the adoption of corporate strategies. All the areas of strategy management are influenced by these circumstances and at the same time, they require an increasingly in-depth knowledge of the hospitality business and progressive immersion in the e-economy. These and other aspects are dealt with in the MBA in Hospitality Management program, which is clearly oriented toward practical knowledge and the exchange of experiences in order to provide a highly interactive teaching programme Objectives To provide knowledge, skills and specific techniques, which enable the course participants to manage hotel groups in an innovative, strategic and efficient way. To offer an integrated training in short and long term company general management in the framework of the current transformation of hotel groups. In this sense, the management systems in each functional area will be analysed and they will be integrated into strategic corporate management. Once this objective is reached, the participants will be versatile enough to enable them to lead any department or new project originating their chain. Potential Participants Graduates and university diploma holders currently working in hospitality management interested in receiving high level specialised education that will enable them to become involved in senior management of large corporations and hotel chains. Methodology The classes will be imparted in Spanish and the materials will consist of publications in different languages, mainly Spanish and English. This postgraduate programme makes use of blended learning, in which classroom-based techniques are combined with online distance learning. Classroom-based sessions: Most of the course is imparted in the classroom and theoretical content will be combined with practical analysis. The theoretical sessions are held at the beginning of each subject and the practical component comprises case studies and role playing for decision-making. Virtual Teaching Platform. Part of the contents is delivered via our virtual teaching with exclusive use for course participants. Distance learning guarantees permanent attention and communication among students, coordinators and lecturers, providing in-service training throughout the academic year. The platform will not only provide the participants with announcements, timetables, emails and thematic forums but also with supplementary documentation and practical examples. Field trips: Several field trips to hotels and hotel chains will be organised so as to verify and contrast all the knowledge acquired. Practicum in hotel chains: The realisation of a trial period is not compulsory. However, the EUTDH will facilitate a practicum in hotel chain central offices to those participants who apply for one. Obviously, one of the main actives of this programme is the wealth of experience provided by the participants. For this reason, the teaching staff will stimulate active participation and will encourage debate since student attitude and participation are crucial in order to favour the exchange of opinions and contrast on pertinent issues. Careers plans in hotel chains The MBA in Hotel Management program has vacancies in career advancement schemes in Spanish hotel chains for some of its participants. To benefit from these vacancies, potential course participants must satisfy the pre-established requirements in each case. Qualifications The program offers participants the chance to gradually obtain several qualifications: MBA in Hotel Management awarded by the UAB for those participants who complete the whole program (seven modules), the period of stages and do a master thesis. Attendance certificates awarded by the UAB Postgraduate School for those participants who take one or more specialised modules from the program. |