Q1 to Q7 are based on the following information :
There are six people in a group with professions as Doctor, Lawyer, Engineer, MBA, CA, Sportsman. Each one of them makes one correct statement and one false statement . Following are the statements they make.
Doctor : The lawyer is my brother. The Engineer is my brother. Lawyer: The doctor is a surgeon also. I won my last case in the court. Engineer: Cube of 3 is less than 5 times the square of 3. The lawyer lost his last case. MBA: The Engineer is telling a Lie about the Lawyer. The doctor and the lawyers are brother. CA: The doctor is Lawyer's wife. The Doctor and the engineer are siblings. Sportsman: The doctor is a gynaecologist and is my Wife . If I run 100 mt is 15 second my speed is 15/100 mt per second.
Q1. Who is brother-in-law of the Sportsman ? Q2. Who is Lawyer's Brother? Q3. Which one of the following statement is True A) The lawyer lost his last case. B) The doctor and the lawyers are brother. C) The doctor is Lawyer's wife. D) The Doctor and engineers are brother.
Q4. Which one of the following statement is false A) The Doctor and engineers are brother. B) The Doctor and the Sportsman are married. C) The Doctor and the engineers are siblings. D) The Lawyer lost his last case.
Q5. Who is the spouse of the Doctor ?
Q6. Who among the following did not lie about the doctor? A) The Lawyer, B) The MBA, C) The CA, D) The Sportsman
Q7. Who among the following did not lie about the lawyer ? A) The Doctor B) The Engineer C) The MBA D) The CA
Q8 to Q 13 are based on the following information :
6 people Ajay, Babu, Chetna, Deepak, Esha and Frank were in a group and each one of them was asked to make one correct and one false statement. Each one of them has a different profession out of Businessman, Doctor, Pilot, Cricket player, Teacher and Lawyer. Only Frank made both his statement correct. Following information about the group members is available to us :
Chetna and Esha are females and are married to the Pilot and the Cricket Player, but not necessarily in the same sequence. The Pilot is married to Teacher. There are two unmarried person in the group and they are brothers of Esha The two married males are brothers.
The Statements made were as follows :
Ajay: I am a doctor. Babu is a businessman. Babu: Esha is a doctor. I am a teacher. Chetna: Ajay is a cricket Player. I am a pilot. Deepak: Frank is a doctor. Chetna is Teacher. Esha: I am a doctor. Ajay is a Lawyer. Frank: I am a lawyer. Babu is a businessman.
Q8. Who is the Cricket Player ? Q9. Who is married to Esha ? Q10. What is the relationship between Babu and Frank ? Q11. What is the relationship between Ajay and Frank ? Q12. What is the relationship between the pilot and the doctor? Q13. What is the relationship between The cricket player and the doctor ?
Q14 to Q17 are based on the following information :
4 T.V channels carried out exit polls for the elections and predicted as follows for the 544 seat of Lok Sabha : Channel 1: Party A will get 280 seats, Party B will get 200 seats, Part C will get 24 seats and the Party D and others will get 40 seats. Channel 2: Party A will get 320 seats, Party B will get 185 seats, Part C will get 25 seats and the Party D and others will get 14 seats. Channel 3: Party A will get 300 seats, Party B will get 185 seats, Part C will get 39 seats and the Party D and others will get 20 seats. Channel 4: Party A will get 310 seats, Party B will get 175 seats, Part C will get 26 seats and the Party D and others will get 33 seats.
Q14. What is the average number of seats predicted for Party C by the four channels ? Q15. For which party is the ratio between the maximum expected seats to minimum expected seats, the maximum. Q16. Which Channel's result if true, would dispense the requirement of Party B inclusion in a coalition government with two-third of majority. Q17. Which Channel's expected result are the nearest to the average of the 4 channels, as far as Party A and Party B's seat are concerned.
SET A: 18. Quixotic, 19. Allegory, 20 Calumny , 21 Ebullience, 22. Depone, 23. Lapidate, 24. Unwieldy
SET B: A. Directed toward the side. B. To testify and declare a something under oath. C. Abstruse or secret. D. A slander. E. To throw stones at somebody. F. Difficult to handle something, due to its large and awkward size. G. That may be read with ease. H. A symbolic representation of something. I. Doing something though you are not happy doing it. J. Full of excitement and enthusiasm. K. Idealistic but Impractical view or approach. L. To settle accounts.
Ans 1 to Ans 7 : There are two statement from where we can start solving the question. The engineer's statement about numbers has to be true and the sportsman statement about his speed is not correct as the speed should be 100/15 mt per second. So the engineers statement about Lawyer is not correct, which means lawyer won his last case. If the lawyer won the last case he is not telling correct about the doctor. The engineer has made correct statement about the lawyer & the engineer but a wrong statement about the doctor. Now looking at the Sportsman statement about the doctor, it has to be true as his other statement about his speed is not correct. Which implies that the CA's statement about the doctor's and lawyer is not correct and so from his other statement we can be sure that the Doctor and the Engineer are sibling. So doctor's statement about engineers is correct and his other statement is wrong.
The correct Statements are : Doctor: The Engineer is my brother. Lawyer: I won my last case in the court. Engineer: Cube of 3 is less than 5 times the square of 3. MBA: The Engineer is telling a Lie about the Lawyer. CA: The Doctor and the engineer are siblings. Sportsman: The doctor is a gynaecologist and is my Wife .
The False statements are : Doctor: The lawyer is my brother. Lawyer: The doctor is a surgeon also. Engineer: The lawyer lost his last case. MBA: The doctor and the lawyers are brother. CA: The doctor is Lawyer's wife. Sportsman: If I run 100 mt is 15 second my speed is 15/100 mt per second. Ans 1. As is clear from above mentioned explanation, The doctor is the sportsman's wife and the engineer is the brother of doctor. So the engineer is the brother-in-law of the sportsman. Ans 2. Data insufficient to provide this answer. Ans 3. Only Statement D is correct. Ans 4. Only Statement D is false. Ans 5. The sportsman is the spouse of the doctor. Ans 6. Only the sportsman did not lie about the doctor. Ans 7. Only the MBA did not lie about the Lawyer.
Ans 8 to 13 : As both statement by Frank were true, we can conclude that Frank is a lawyer and Babu is businessman. As Babu is businessman Ajay's statement about Babu has to be correct and Babu's statement about himself is false. So Ajay is telling lie about himself and Babu is telling truth about Esha. Esha is telling a Lie about Ajay. Deepak is lying about Frank and telling correct about Chetna. Chetna is lying about herself and telling truth about Ajay.
So we get the correct statements as : Babu is businessman. Esha is a doctor. Ajay is a cricket Player. Chetna is Teacher. Esha is a doctor. Frank is a lawyer. As only Deepak is left and the only profession left is Pilot, Deepak is a Pilot.
Ans 8. As is clear from above mentioned explanation, Ajay is cricket Player. Ans 9. As the teacher is married to Pilot we can conclude that Chetna is married to Deepak so Esha must be married to cricket player who is Ajay. Ans 10. The two unmarried person are Frank and Babu and they are brothers. Ans 11. It is given that the two unmarried persons are brother of Esha, and Esha is married to Ajay. So Frank is brother-in-law of Ajay. Ans 12. Deepak is Pilot and Esha is the doctor. Esha is married to Ajay. It is given that the two married males are brothers. So Deepak and Ajay are brothers. So Esha is Sister-in-law of Deepak. Ans 13. Esha is doctor and Ajay is the cricket player. They are Husband and Wife.
Ans 14. (24+25+39+26)/4= 28.5
Ans 15. The required ratio for the four parties is as follows : Part A = 320/280=1.14 Party B = 200/175= 1.14 Part C : 39/24=1.62 Party D = 40/14= 2.85 So, Party D is the correct answer.
Ans 16. To have two-third of majority we should have 544*2/3= 362.66 or 363 or more seats. 544-363=181. Only Channel D predicts less than 181 seats for party B.
Ans 17. Party A's Average = (280+320+300+310)/4= 302.5 Party B's average = (200+185+185+175)/4= 186.25 We notice that Channel C's result are nearest to the average result.
Ans 18= K, Ans 19= H, Ans 20=D, Ans 21=J, Ans 22=B, Ans23= E, Ans 24= F