In the school's own words...
Global, innovative, and diverse, the Schulich School of Business at York University prepares its students to meet the needs of social and environmental stewardship in a rapidly changing world. The School has been an early pioneer in terms of integrating social impact management and environmental management into its core curriculum and throughout its business courses. The concept of sustainability underpins all Schulich's graduate management programs, beginning with the required core Skills for Leadership & Governance course and the orientation activities surrounding the MBA Launch Week for incoming students. In addition, many of the core and elective courses in the graduate program contain material specifically relevant to social impact and environmental management issues.
Throughout its history, the Schulich School of Business has taken a broad, stakeholder approach to management education. Since its inception in 1966, the School has consistently offered management training to meet the specific needs of organizations in the private, public and nonprofit sectors. The School offers a diverse range of graduate degrees, including the Master of Public Administration (MPA) degree and an International MBA (IMBA) degree, both of which focus heavily on business issues related to public policy, cross-cultural matters and the intersection of business & social issues between countries. In addition, Schulich offers a number of MBA specializations that deal specifically with social and environmental impact management, including Business and Sustainability, Business Ethics, Arts & Media Administration, Nonprofit Management & Leadership, Health Industry Management and Family Enterprise. The School's Division of Executive Development offers executives a number of seminars and public courses that focus on a wide range of topical social and environmental business issues, including corporate governance, business ethics, and labour relations.
Schulich has been a leader in the creation of a number of programs pertaining to social impact and environmental impact management. In 2000, Schulich established the Sustainable Enterprise Academy, one of North America's premier executive education centers dedicated to providing management training in sustainability issues for senior level executives. The School also founded the Russia-Canada Corporate Governance Program, designed to provide training to Russian academics teaching corporate governance in executive education programs throughout Russia. The Program also provides training for current directors of Russian public companies.
Schulich's faculty members are among the leading researchers in the fields of business ethics, corporate governance, and sustainability. The School houses a number of in-house research institutes and centers, including the Transparency International Canada, Inc., a business corruption watchdog organization, the York Center for Applied Sustainability, and the Centre for Practical Ethics.