In the school's own words...
McGill University is an internationally known, research-intensive university and a Canadian leader in higher education. Located in one of the world�s great cities, the University benefits from a milieu rich in culture and diversity. Montreal is also home to a large number of international organizations, including several major NGOs (non-governmental organizations) focused on social impact and environment management.
McGill's Faculty of Management strives to do work that matters to Montreal, Canada and the world by leveraging its most important assets to address the needs of society. Initiatives include: McGill MBA offered in Japan, McGill-McConnell Masters Program for the voluntary sector, the International Masters Program for Health Leadership, the International Masters Program in Practicing Management, the Advanced Leadership Program, and the participation in the Aspen Teaching Innovation Program for mainstreaming sustainability and corporate social responsibility. The Faculty of Management has demonstrated excellence in ground-breaking teaching programs and Masters of unusual international diversity even by today�s standards, and prepares students who are recognized as being amongst the most internationally mobile in the world, capable of crossing boundaries.
Founded as a school with a mandate broader than business, the Faculty of Management�s focus has attracted a faculty and a student body that has wider research and teaching concerns than many other business schools. More than half of its fulltime faculty members spend at least part of their research time on research pertaining to corporate social responsibility, social innovation and the environment.
Each revision of the Faculty�s core teaching programs opens up the possibility of allowing more McGill students both inside and outside the Faculty of Management to pursue what has recently been termed the Third Way -- a blend of professional and liberal arts education that allows students to acquire both excellent intellectual skills and practical skills.
McGill�s MBA Program offers a relatively large number of special concentration opportunities and electives relevant to social innovation and the environment. In addition to its MBA concentration in Management for developing economies, McGill offers courses in areas such as Sustainability and Social Marketing, with good opportunities for doing independent studies in Social Entrepreneurship.
Most importantly, because of the high proportion of McGill faculty whose research relates to social innovation, social impacts, and managing for environmental sustainability, mainstream MBA courses with conventional titles are likely to incorporate these social perspectives. The MBA curriculum is therefore focusing tomorrow�s business leaders attention on issues related to social impact and environmental management, priorities for Canada�s changing society.