In the school's own words...
School of Business and Economics at the University of Jyv�skyl� creates and disseminates expertise based on scientific research for management, entrepreneurship and economic decision making needs, maintaining strong links to the surrounding community by actively promoting our latest research results and professional expertise. School of Business and Economics at the University of Jyv�skyl� has been proactive in integrating both environmental and social management in its curriculum, research and other activities. For example, Jyv�skyl� has been the first university in the whole of Scandinavia offering a full master�s and doctoral program in corporate environmental management since 1995. Environmental and/or social issues are an important part integrated in the strategic focus areas of the School of Business and Economics. The focus areas of the disciplines include: corporate environmental management; age-management, ethics in leadership and corporate social responsibility in management; ethics in accounting; social responsibility and family business in entrepreneurship; and labor and regional economics.
The approaches for addressing three dimensions of sustainability in the curriculum of the School of Business and Economics have been diverse: 1) As the separate unit leading the way towards sustainable management, there is a specialized master's and doctoral program, corporate environmental management, which is training specialists for environmental management positions; 2) A required course �Business, society and the environment� for all the management students offers basic knowledge about sustainability issues to future business managers; and 3) Environmental and social issues have been integrated into several courses in all the disciplines of the school to ensure that sustainability issues are not just a specialty area of a small expert group.