By the My MBA Career Content Team � Find Top MBA Degree Programs An email marketing solutions company recently announced its weekly advice service that MBAs, entrepreneurs and other small business owners can use to their advantage.
Campaigner specializes in advertising and its 101 Tips for Getting Started with Email Marketing service offers businessmen and women free advice on how to grow the presence of their small companies.
"We are hoping these tips help marketers take their campaigns to the next level, by implementing performance enhancing best practices," said Campaigner CEO Steve Adams.
In October, individuals who explore this service will likely learn about search engine optimization (SEO). Campaigner's says it will cover how to coordinate SEO and email marketing, increase email marketing results, repurpose email content to boost SEO visibility and surround keywords with links.
If you've always wanted to launch your own startup, but feel like you don't have the business background to do so, consider enrolling in an MBA program today. An MBA degree could equip you with a lot of business know-how, including knowledge of email marketing and search engine optimization.