The World Cinema Foundation, created by Martin Scorsese in 2007, announced that it will be using The Auteurs as its online distribution channel. The Auteurs, a self-described "online movie theatre," is the brainchild of Efe Cakerel, an MBA, computer scientist, and former advisor to the European Union The Auteurs is a service for delivering streaming movies to your PC or Mac in high-definition quality. It's also a social networking community for dedicated film fans with about 40,000 members. Born out of Cakerel's love of cinema, the site focuses on independent film and art cinema that might otherwise have trouble finding an audience and offers high-quality film for a reasonable price because, as the Auteurs website puts it, "popular doesn't always mean good." "It was a no-brainer for me," Cakerel told Film Comment magazine, "Big market opportunity, nobody was doing it right, everybody thinks it will fail. I founded the company at a coffee shop in Palo Alto [in April 2007]."
Efe Cakerel took his love for cinema and his businesssavvy and is turning it into a business opportunity with the skills he gained as an MBA. If you have a passion you want to pursue, it might be time to get an MBA degree