By the My MBA Career Content Team � Find Top MBA Degree Programs An organization of entrepreneurs will be hosting an event for MBAs and small businessmen and women.
The National Hispanic Entrepreneurs' Organization (NHEO) will have an event in Charlotte, North Carolina on September 30. The NHEO Small Business Forum will be a great opportunity for Hispanic MBAs and professionals to learn more about launching a startup and will be a valuable opportunity to network.
"Hispanic entrepreneurs represent a largely untapped resource in the United State economy," said Juan Pablo Giometti, NHEO CEO. "Although the number of Hispanic-owned business has grown significantly over the past twenty years, these firms continue to lag behind in economic indicators."
The event will begin at 5:30 p.m. and end at 8:30. All of its proceeds will help fund the NHEO's scholarship and mentoring programs.
If you're a Hispanic man or woman who has always wanted to launch your own company but hasn't for lack of a business background, consider enrolling in an MBA program today. An MBA degree combined with the support of the Hispanic small business community could be enough to get you on your way to an exciting career as an entrepreneur.