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Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi

Expert Suggestions on Preparation for Computer Based CAT-09

Indian Institute of Foreign Trade, Delhi   

Certified Export Consultants Programme (for SMEs)
To work in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise Clusters

Programme Objectives

This programme is therefore intended to develop a sustainable market for export consultancy services specifically for SMEs. A two-fold strategy has been drawn for the programme. Firstly, existing export professional, not currently attending to the potential SME clientele, will be trained to serve SMEs. Secondly, SMEs will be suitably assisted to seek export consultancy services from these trained consultants during a handholding phase.

To start with training of selected export consultants will be undertaken at IIFT, Delhi. Subsequently, targeted technical and financial assistance will be provided to enable an interface with group of SMEs that may be willing to buy export related strategic services from the trained consultants.

Programme Structure

The programme is spread over a period of one year and is divided into four parts: -

  • Phase I: 10 days class-room training at IIFT

  • Phase II: Interface with SMEs, where the trained consultants will be introduced to the local industry in select clusters to practice the learnings in export consultancy services from the training

  • Phase III: A 3-day follow up training (after six months) at IIFT

  • Phase IV: Provision of result based financial support against actual delivery of services to SMEs (more details below)

    The trained consultants will remain into continuous dialogue with the IIFT experts and other panelists through a web based forum.

    Who Can Apply?

    Applicant must have minimum five years experience in exports (preferably in managerial capacity) with a strong desire to become an export consultant. Prior experience in working with small and medium enterprises would be an advantage. Good communication and networking skills are essential pre-requisites.

  • Multiple references from your present and past employers / senior colleagues along with written summaries on your work have to be submitted along with the application. Typical sub-sectoral technical professional who have 3 years of working experiences in export marketing can also apply. Short-listed candidates will also be required to pass an interview.

    Course Fee

    The programme has been subsidized by Development Commissioner (SSI), Ministry of SSI, Govt. of India, Export Import Bank of India, United Nations Industrial Development Organization - Cluster Development Programme and Indian Institute of Foreign Trade.

    The subsidized fee for the programme is Rs. 15,000/- (Rupees Fifteen Thousand only) for Phase I and Phase III. The programme is fully residential during these phases and the fee covers the course fee, cost of course material, boarding and lodging. The travel cost to attend the course at Delhi has to be borne by the participants. The participants will also have to fully cover their cost involved in participating in the Phase II and Phase IV of the programme in select clusters.

    Last Date for Issue of Application Forms: 26th December 2005
    Phase I Commencement: 20th February 2006

    Contact Details

    Send completed forms along with application fee (DD for Rs. 750/- drawn in favour of "IIFT, New Delhi") to: -
    Dr. K. Rangarajan,
    Professor & Head,
    Centre for SME Studies,
    Indian Institute of Foreign Trade,
    IIFT Bhawan, B-21, Qutab Institutional Area,
    New Delhi - 110016
    E-mail: [email protected]
    Apply Online at http://www.iift.edu or http://www.smenetwork.net/bds/

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