Shree Harish Chandra Vidyalay Samiti, seeks its genesis in the year 1866 when the great Hindi laureate Bhartendu Harish Chandra put the foundation of 'Choukhamba School' with his five students. A small cause taken 136 years back is now a great mission. To further the noble cause promoted by Bhartendu Ji a society was formed under the name and style, Shree Harish Chandra Vidyalaya Society in the year 1955. It was registered under the registration of Society Act 1860 (No. 57/1955-56) at Varanasi on May 17, 1955. The registration was renewed for 5 years with effect from 10.10.2005. To fulfill the vision of Bhartendu Harish Chandra, The promoting Body has vigorously made efforts to establish and run these institutions as centers of Excellence. The major institutions established by the society are as under: