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Quantitative General Questionbank - CAT 2007 Sample Questions

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Quantitative General Questionbank - CAT 2007 Sample Questions

Q. The annual salary of a person in the year2000 is 20% more than that of the year 1999.His annual salary is increased by Rs.36,000 in the year 2001 over that of the year 2,000.If the increase in the annual salary of the person in the year 2002 over the year 2001 is 5 percentage points less than the increase in year 2001 over year 2000,and his annual salary in the year 2002 is Rs.2,16,000,then what was his salary in the year 1999?
A. Rs.1,00,000
B. Rs.1,20,000
C. Rs.1,25,000
D. Cannot be determined ans: D
Q. Steve Warne captained his team in 120 one day cricket matches with a success rate of 75%.For the first m matches,his success rate was 70%,55% for the next n matches and 90% for the last p matches.How many matches did he win in the first m + n matches he captained?
A. 30
B. 36
C. 45
D. Cannot be determined ans: B
Q. The volume of a cubiod increase by 40.4%.The total length of all the edges is increased by 20% and the lateral surface area is increased by 13.4%.What is the percentage increase/decrease in the height of the cubiod,if the ratio of length,breadth and height is 3 : 2 : 1?
A. 10% increase
B. 10% decrease
C. 20% increase
D. 20% decrease ans: B
Q. Three times a number is 20% more than twice another number when increased by 105.If twice the first number increased by 36 is 20% less than three times of the second number,then what is the first number?
A. 150
B. 162
C. 180
D. None of these ans: B
Q. In the year 2001,XYZ motors sold 50%,20%,30% of the total motorcycles sold in that year in the first 3 months,next 4 months and last 5 months respectively.In the year 2002,the increase in the number of motorcycles sold in the first 7 months is 40% over the same period of the previous year and increase in the number of motorcycles sold in the last 9 months is 20% over the corresponding period of the previous year.What is the minimum percentage increase in the number of motorcycles sold in year 2002 over 2001 if the increase in the number of motorcycles sold from April 2002 to July 2002 over the same 4 months of the previous year is not more than 100%?
A. 18%
B. 38%
C. 58%
D. None of these ans: A
Q. A,B and C contest an election from a particular constituency.A and B together got 50% more votes than C.The vote share of A and C together is 30 percentage points more than the vote share of B.Who won the election?
A. A
B. B
C. C
D. Cannot be determined ans: C
Q. P,Q and R scored 36%,41% and 51% respectively in a test.R passed the test and Q failed the test.If one of them failed by 21 marks and R passed by 39 marks,then what is the total marks in the test?
A. 1,200
B. 600
C. 400
D. Cannot be determined ans: D
Q. A,B and C scored 28%,36% and 53% in an examination respectively.B and C passed the examination but A failed.One of them passed by 33 marks and A failed by 17 marks.What is the pass mark in the examination?
A. 192
B. 73
C. 175
D. Cannot be determined ans: A
Q. A man divides Rs.9,000 into 3 unequal parts and invests them at 5%,6% and 8% per annum.At the end of one year he receives an interest of Rs.580 on his total investment.If he receives equal interest from two of his investments,how much did he invest at 6%,which is more than the investment at 5%?
A. Rs. 3,500
B. Rs. 4,000
C. Rs. 3,000
D. Cannot be determined ans: B
Q. Instead of increasing the salary of a salesman twice successively by 20%,the employer has given a one-time 40% hike.What is the loss or gain for the employee if his original salary was Rs.1,000?
A. Rs. 4 gain
B. Rs. 40 loss
C. Rs. 40 gain
D. No loss,no gain ans: B
Q. The salary of a salesman is first increased twice succesively by 15% and then decreased twice successively by 15%.What is the approximate effective change in his original salary?
A. 10% increase
B. 5% decrease
C. 19% decrease
D. 25% increase ans: B
Q. in a city,20% of the total population is the student community,which is not employed.Of the remaining,56.25% are employed.If the number of non-students who are unemployed is 14,000,then find the population of the city.
A. 56,000
B. 70,000
C. 40,000
D. 60,000 ans: C
Q. Three candidates A,B and C contest an assembly seat.A got as many more votes than B as B got more than C.If A won the election by a majority of 28,000 votes and C got 52,000 votes.find the percentage of votes polled to A.9All the votes polled are valid).
A. 45%
B. 36%
C. 33.33%
D. Data insufficient ans: A
Q. Some articles were sold at a certain sellingprice.When the price of each article was increased by 20%,the revenue from the sales decreased by 10% and became Rs.2,160.If the new price of each article is Rs.36 then find the number of articles sold at the original price.
A. 75
B. 80
C. 60
D. 90 ans: B
Q. Out of four numbers,the second and the third numbers respectively are 50% and 150% more than the first number.If the fourth number is 25 more than the third number and five times the first number,then by what percentage is the scond number less than the fourth number?
A. 38.46%
B. 70%
C. 60%
D. 41.66% ans: B
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