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Goldman Sachs Launches '10,000 Women', ISB to be the Indian Associate

10,000 Underserved Women Around the World Will Receive a Business and Management Education
Partnerships Between Universities in the U.S. and Europe and Business Schools in Emerging and Developing Economies to Improve the Quality and Capacity of Business Education
Indian School of Business (ISB) to be the Indian Associate for this Program

The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (NYSE: GS) today announced '10,000 Women', a global initiative that will provide 10,000 underserved women, predominantly in developing and emerging markets, with a business and management education. The Indian School of Business (ISB) will be the India associate to implement this global initiative in India. The initiative will invest in a largely untapped yet significant resource - the exponential power of women as entrepreneurs and managers. Through partnerships between universities in the U.S. and Europe and business schools in emerging and developing countries, 10,000 Women also will seek to have a lasting impact on the quality and capacity of business education in developing regions around the world.

The initial partnerships will support pragmatic, flexible and shorter-term programs, resulting in business and management certificates that can open doors for thousands of women whose financial and practical circumstances prevent them from receiving a traditional business education. There will also be a select number of MBA and BA degrees conferred.

"Those of us who champion open markets must also do our part to create more opportunity to ensure economic growth is more broadly shared," said Lloyd C. Blankfein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. "10,000 Women focuses on a critical, yet often overlooked area where we believe Goldman Sachs can use its resources and convening power to help build the foundation to expand the ranks of business women, managers and entrepreneurs around the world."

Speaking about the ISB�s association with this global initiative, Deepak Chandra, Associate Dean, Executive Education, said, "In the past, women have not been encouraged to step out of the traditional mould into 'male' domains such as �business�. It is very important for influential B-schools such as the Indian School of Business, to take on the responsibility of breaking traditional barriers and mind-sets and provide opportunities for women to utilize their entrepreneurial talents. I am very hopeful that this program will help us to support women to recognize their leadership potential and make an impact on society."

In addition to funding tuition for business and management education, '10,000 Women' will work with development organizations to better understand the local challenges girls and young women must overcome so more of them can realize economic opportunity and

achieve their full potential. Many of these partnerships will seek to establish mentoring and networking channels for women and encourage career development opportunities. 

'10,000 Women' has been in development for more than a year and was inspired by economic research from Goldman Sachs that showed the powerful effects of greater labor force participation of women on economies and societies. Goldman Sachs will commit $ 100 Million to this initiative over the next five years. In addition, the people of Goldman Sachs will contribute their time and expertise through classroom instruction and mentoring.

Increase the entrepreneurial talent and managerial pool in developing and emerging economies - especially among women - is one of the most important means to reducing inequality and ensuring more share economic growth. Goldman Sachs also will announce in the coming months additional 10,000 Women program partnerships that will provide more business and management education for disadvantaged women in the United States.

Initial Academic Partners

  • American University of Afghanistan

  • American University in Cairo

  • Brown University

  • Columbia Business School

  • Harvard Business School

  • Indian School of Business

  • Pan-African University, Nigeria

  • School of Finance & Banking, Rwanda

  • Stanford Graduate School of Business

  • Thunderbird School of Global Management

  • United States International University, Kenya

  • University of Cape Town, Graduate School of Business

  • Judge Business School, University of Cambridge

  • University of Dar-es-Salaam, Tanzania

  • William Davidson Institute at the University of Michigan

  • Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania

  • Delivering Business & Management Education to 10,000 Women

    '10,000 Women' will pursue a variety of ways to provide a business and management education to underserved women. For instance, schools will work together to establish or

    expand certificate programs ranging from 5 weeks to 6 months that could include courses in marketing, accounting, market research, writing a business plan, strategic planning, accessing capital and e-commerce.  

    There will also be a strong focus on capacity building: development curricula, creating local case study models and 'Training the Trainers' to improve the level of faculty training expertise as well as increasing the overall quality of business education.

    More detailed information about '10,000 Women' as well as specific program details for each of the program�s initial markets can be found in a fact sheet available for download at 10000women.org


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