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Home » B-School Events » St. Francis Institute of Management

St. Francis Institute of Management

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St. Francis Institute of Management & Research Organizing 'Anveshi 2007 - The Researcher'
On February 28th & March 1st, 2007

Call for Papers

About St. Francis Institute of Management and Research

The Institute was established by "The Society of the Congregation of Franciscan Brothers". This international charitable society of Religious Brothers was founded in 1901 and runs orphanages, schools, formal and informal technical education centers, agriculture training farms, leprosy centers, homes for street children, clinics, dispensaries and hospitals.

The society now has 76 such centers in India and abroad. With change in times, the society has ushered into quality educational activities especially into higher technical education focusing on self-employment. 

The establishment of St. Francis Institute of Management and Research (SFIMAR) is one such effort. It was established in the year 2002 with a vision to flourish as a seat of learning of international standards for developing an entrepreneurial class of value based industrial leaders, empowered with techno-managerial competence to sustain innovation for building global businesses of the future.

The Institute is affiliated to the University of Mumbai and offers its MMS programme.

Anveshi 2007

In order to give due recognition to the inquisitiveness and creativity of management students, institute is organizing Anveshi - a National Level Paper Presentation Competition on 28th February and 1st March 2007. This endeavor is taken to provide a platform to the potential researchers and scholars to demonstrate and further hone their skills. The event is expected to be a liaison of corporates, academicians and students.


Papers are invited from the students studying in various post-graduate courses of the management institutes across India on the following topics:

Financial Inclusion: Deeds, Sins and Salvation

Financial inclusion aims to provide the banking and insurance services to the masses particularly the low-income and disadvantaged section.

Despite the economic growth that we have witnessed, a large number of people in India still do not have access to the basic financial services offered through formal channels like banks and insurance companies. The prospective anveshis could attempt to find out:  

  • Our march towards achieving financial inclusion so far.

  • What kind of products and services can be offered to achieve our goal?

  • What can be the alternative delivery mechanisms?

  • Effectiveness of directed lending, micro-finance and co-operative banking.

  • Use of technology to serve masses.

  • Improving financial literacy.

    Papers should focus on these basic issues and other relevant ideas.

    Funding the Infrastructure Development

    Infrastructure plays a crucial role in a country's economic development, by enhancing productivity and improving competitiveness. Thus, undisputedly, there is a need for infrastructure development in the country on priority basis. From India's own track record it can be said that faster progress of infrastructure largely depends on availability and proper usage of funds. So the prospective anveshis could:

  • Carry out an empirical study of role-played, so far by various Financial institutions in financing infrastructure projects.

  • Analyzing the need and success of public-private partnership (PPP) model in Indian context.

  • Study innovative long-term structured products for funding infrastructure development projects.

  • Finding the right infrastructure policy framework for efficient allocation and utilization of funds.

    Changing face of Retail Industry in India

    It is estimated that globally retail industry is worth to be around $6.6 trillion.

    In India, the retail revolution started since 1991 with the opening of the retail store Stopper�s Shop in Mumbai. Today, although India boasts of having around 12 million retail outlets, organized retailing accounts for only about 3%. Rest (about 97%) is unorganized which needs to be tapped diligently. The retail industry is poised for a major growth as it assumes significant changes with the changes in the consumer-buying pattern and with the adoption of newer technology in force. The study may focus on:  

  • Shifting focus from urban areas to rural areas.

  • Concentrating on the unorganized sector for the growth of industry.

  • Boost to employment opportunities.

  • It�s emergence as a platform for promoting various other sectors.

  • Consequences of entry of foreign retailers.

    Web Trade Technologies: Challenges, Opportunities and Threats

    Every web user is a potential provider and/or consumer of web services and thus introduces many new issues.

  • How could a service consumer verify that the information provided to him is reliable?

  • What should he do when a web service fails to deliver?

  • How would trustworthiness and reputation measures affect the price of the service?

  • What types of relations are worthwhile to establish between a consumer and a provider (e.g. ad-hoc or long-term)?

  • Should there be coalitions of consumers?

    We believe that the emergence of such marketplaces is imminent, and poses many challenges and opportunities that have not yet been addressed and as a part of anveshi we intend to explore these issues.

    Creating a Productive, Satisfying and Focused Organization

    The Human Resources Department is becoming the focal point of organizations today. Most HR departments today are outsourcing all non value-adding activities and are focusing on activities that are future oriented.

    The researchers studying this phenomenon, will need to look at:

  • What techniques do modern organizations use to increase productivity?

  • What are the behavioral factors that affect the productivity of employees?

  • How do organizations create an environment that is conducive for creativity?

  • How does an organization sustain its competitive advantage by continually improving itself?

  • What are the challenges and solutions to create a committed workforce?

    So anveshis may use the above as guidelines and work on not only identifying current trends but also looking at the future development in these areas.


    For Participating Teams

    Any number of teams can participate from an institute. One team can have maximum two students. Teams must get themselves registered first by paying requisite registration fee latest by 5th January 2007, failing which papers will not be accepted. The short listed teams will be invited to present their papers during the event. These teams will be provided free lodging and boarding facilities, subject to indication in the Registration Form. Only short listed teams will be contacted. The decision of the screening committee will be final and no correspondence will be entertained in this respect.

    For attendees

    People interested in attending the conference as audience must register for the event, as per the dates given. Accommodation is available for all the outstation attendees. They should indicate their intention to avail this facility, in the registration form.

    Registration forms can be downloaded either from the website or can be requested by sending an e-mail at [email protected].

    Registration fee

    Participating teams:
    Rs. 300 per team

    For students - Rs. 50
    For academicians and corporates - Rs. 100

    Outstation attendees :
    Non-residential: Rs. 100
    Residential: Rs. 300 per head per day

    (Includes 3 meals & 2 tea-time snacks and accommodation on sharing basis)

    Fee should be paid by a Demand Draft/Local Cheque payable at Mumbai, in favour of "St. Francis Institute of Management and Research".

    Paper submission guidelines

  • The soft copy of the paper on the listed themes must be sent by email to [email protected] with theme mentioned in the subject line.

  • Paper must be sent as an attachment in Microsoft Word format.

  • One hard copy should be sent to the Institute�s postal address.

  • All the correspondence should be addressed to "The Convener - Anveshi".

  • Papers must be in English.

  • Your submission should include a title page containing:

    • Theme of the paper

    • Name(s) of authors

    • Authors� contact numbers and e-mail addresses

    • Name of the Institute

    • Institute�s full postal address, telephone number, fax number and e-mail address


  • Authors' names should be on the title page only, in order to facilitate the blind review.

  • The manuscript must be typed with 1.5 lines spacing. The font size used for all the headings including

    title should be 16 point, sub-headings 14 point while text should be 12 point. Font used should be Times New Roman. Margins must be 1.5 inch on left side and 1 inch on all other sides.  

  • Length of the paper should not exceed 2500 words.

  • Abstracts should be of maximum 300 words.

  • Follow this order when typing manuscripts:

    • Table of Contents

    • Table of Figures

    • Table of Charts

    • Abstract

    • Main text

    • Acknowledgements

    • Appendix

    • References.


    List of references must be arranged in the alphabetical order.

  • References should be written in the following format:

    • Author(s) name (last name, first name)

    • Year of publication

    • Chapter or article heading

    • Book title or journal name

    • Volume

    • Issue

    • Page numbers

    • Book title or journal name should appear in Italics


    e.g. Mehta, C.K., 2004, Creating Value for Shareholders, Financial Management, 2nd edition, pp 245-250.

  • Papers should reflect original thoughts and research work and should not have been presented or published elsewhere.

  • All accepted papers would be compiled and published, provided authors confirm to the guidelines mentioned.


    Evaluation Criteria (100 Marks)

    Draft (50 marks) Presentation (50 marks)
      Marks     Marks   
      Research methodology 10   Subject Knowledge   20   
      Originality of ideas 10    Answers in Q&A session   10   
      Value addition to the existing
      body of knowledge, based on   empirical research
    20    Presentation Skills   10   
      Content organization 10    Time management   10   


  • Presentations will be held at the Institute in Mumbai on 28th February and 1st March 2007.

  • Duration of each presentation should not exceed 15 minutes.

  • There will be a question and answer session after the presentation for 15 minutes, 10 minutes for judges and 5 minutes for the audience.

  • LCD monitors and Overhead Projectors will be provided.

    Prizes and Certification

  • There will be two prizes under every theme.

  • Winners will receive a cash prize of Rs. 10,000 and a Certificate of Excellence.

  • Runners-up will receive a cash prize of Rs. 5,000 and a Certificate of Excellence.

  • Remaining participants will be given Certificates for participation.

    Important Dates

    For Participating Teams

  • Receipt of the registration form: January 5th 2007

  • Receipt of the papers: January 25th 2007

  • Intimation to the short listed teams: February 10th 2007

  • Presentations: February 28th and March 2nd 2007

  • For Attendees

  • Receipt of the registration form from outstation attendees: February 15th 2007

  • Receipt of the registration form from local attendees: February 25th 2007

  • Presentations: February 28th and March 2nd 2007

    Organizing Committee

  • Chairman: Bro. Julius George, Chairman, SFIMAR

  • Co-chairman: Dr. Thomas Mathew, Director, SFIMAR

  • Chief Advisor: Bro. Francis More, Registrar, SFIMAR

  • Convener: Mr. Neerav Nagar, Core Faculty, SFIMAR

  • Co-convener: Ms. Jaskiran Arora, Sr. Core Faculty, SFIMAR

    Student Organizers

  • Annabel D�Souza

  • Melbourne Trinidade

  • Neil D�Souza

  • Prachee Chavan

  • Priyanka Chavan

  • Santosh Rodrigues

  • Sheril D�Souza

  • Venkateswaran Iyer

  • Vikash Kumar Singh

    Mail your queries to
    Mr. Neerav Nagar (Convener) : [email protected]
    Ms. Jaskiran Arora (Co-convener) : [email protected]
    Or [email protected].

    Contact Details

    St. Francis Institute of Management and Research,
    Mt. Poinsur, S.V.P. Road,
    Borivali (West), Mumbai - 400103.
    Telephone: 91 22 28958403, 28917089
    Fax: 91 22 28906567
    Email: [email protected]
    Website: www.sfimar.org






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