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Home » B-School Events » Operations Management

XIth Annual International Conference of Society for Operations Management

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XIth Annual International Conference of Society for Operations Management
"Redefining Operations Excellence: The Art & Science"
at Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM),
Nasik, Maharashtra
On December 21-23, 2007

About the Conference

Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management (SIOM), a premier institute under the banner of Symbiosis International University, is pleased to announce its hosting of the XIth Annual International Conference of Society for Operations Management on December 21-23, 2007, at S.I.O.M. Campus in Nashik, Maharashtra.

The theme for the conference is "Redefining Operations Excellence: The Art & Science".

The SOM (Society for Operations Management) Conference in Nashik aims to bring together academicians and practitioners of Operations Management in the back-drop of increasing global competitiveness of the Indian manufacturing and service industries. It has become the annual event where colleagues from academia and industry around the world get together to present and discuss their new ideas and research.

The three-day conference will include various topics that reflect the breadth and depth of the discipline of Technology and Operations Management. A Doctoral Consortium will be held on the first day of the conference and will be followed by the Main Conference on the next two days.

Abstract Submission Details

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of 4 pages (single-spaced, Times New Roman, 11 pt. font, 1 inch margin). Authors should submit their extended abstract electronically in either Microsoft Word (.doc files), or PDF (.pdf files), or TeX or LaTeX (.tex files), or Postscript (.ps files)

Each extended abstract should be submitted by e-mail as one document and should contain -

  • Title

  • Authors and their Affiliations

  • Main Text (including Tables and Figures at the appropriate places) comprising Motivation, the Research Problem/Issue, Key Methodology(ies) used and a brief description of Results

  • List of References

  • Authors' Brief Bio-data and a Digital Photograph of Self

  • Under extraordinary circumstances, if electronic submission is not possible, authors may submit THREE copies of the extended abstract. All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by a committee. If accepted, the paper will be slotted for a limited number of plenary sessions (30 min/paper) or parallel sessions (20 min/paper) or doctorial students' sessions (15 min/paper).

    Extended abstract is to be submitted to: -
    [email protected]

    Important Dates

       Abstract Submission Deadline    September 30, 2007
       Notification of Acceptance    November 1, 2007
       Early Registration Begins    October 1, 2007
       Early Registration Ends    November 25, 2007
       Conference    December 21-23, 2007
       Doctoral Consortium    December 21, 2007
       Main Conference    December 22-23, 2007

    Contact Details

    For further queries and registration, contact: -
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Prof. Gangadhar Joshi,
    Conference Chair,
    Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nasik.
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Prof. P. N. Parmeshwaran,
    Conference Co-chair,
    Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management, Nasik.
    E-mail: [email protected]

    Or check the website at: -
    URL: www.siom.in

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