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"What I've learnt at IIM Indore"

- by Abhijit*

Even as I sit down to pen these words, and try to think of just what IIM Indore has given me in the year's time that I have been here, I cannot but help reminding myself just how lucky I am to have got an opportunity to study here. And no, I'm not thinking about the respect that being an IIM alumnus would fetch me; nor am I dreaming about the companies that would visit the institute during the placement season. I'm thinking only about the change that I've undergone as a person, and in all honesty, I cannot help feeling grateful for the chance that I got to be here.

It has only been a year, but it's been the most memorable time of my life. Memorable? Things haven't been easy at all here. I, for one, could never have dreamt of the kind of work that would be demanded of me here. The number of courses that are compressed into the two-year programme result in its being a stern test for any student. I'm sure, had someone informed me beforehand of what I was to undergo during my first year here, I would have been a very apprehensive young chap, rather doubtful of his capability to cope with such a kind of work pressure.

But today I'm glad it was that way. Glad because it really was the only way I would come to understand that one can always do a lot more than what one considers possible. Even something that at first sight appears to be too tough a task can be accomplished with surprising comfort, if one has the will for it. Desperation often serves to reveal to man the true extent of his potential, and results in performances that he otherwise would consider beyond himself. And once he has had a glimpse of that potential, the confidence it generates in him, is an invaluable asset for him, lifelong. I'm grateful for this chance to explore the true limits of my potential, and for the confidence I have gained thereby.

My stay at IIM Indore has taught me a lot, and some of the most valuable lessons have been learnt from watching, and very often silently admiring, my colleagues. It is only after my stay at IIMI that I have learnt the true meaning of diligence, dedication and commitment. What I have learnt from my interactions with my colleagues, has, I believe, been most useful to me in improving my approach towards my own work, and has contributed immensely to my own development as a student.

Another thing I really learnt to appreciate at IIM Indore is the value of time. There is so much to do - and I'm not talking only about academics. I've learnt at IIMI that if you are fortunate enough to have been gifted with certain talents, then you are responsible for ensuring that those talents are harnessed for your benefit and for the benefit of those around you. A failure to do so is, quite frankly, unpardonable; because it is an insult to your talents, and to whoever was responsible for your acquiring them. So, one has to learn to discipline oneself, in order to get the most out of the limited time at his disposal.

I also believe that working as part of a team as inculcated a greater sense of responsibility in me. Staying away from home for the first time, as it has been for me at IIM Indore, has also contributed towards making me a more mature individual, and I shall always remember IIMI as the place where I took my first steps towards making the transition from boy to man.

Being with a small group of people, and working and living together with them, inevitably leads to a process of bonding, even for the more reticent ones like myself. I shall forever treasure the friendships I have made here. When I leave Indore, my enthusiasm for the future will without a doubt be tinged with regret at parting from my friends.

But if I had to choose one thing for which I shall forever remain grateful, I would say that IIM Indore has imparted to me a love for learning; a thirst for knowledge; that I hope I shall always retain. It is only after my education here that I have realized just how much there is to learn in the world, just how useful it can be to one, and just how much pride and how much of a sense of fulfillment one can gain from having learnt something really well. Sometimes I'm filled with a sense of regret at not having realized this earlier in life - I could then have accomplished so much more than I have - but then I remember that I still have my whole life and career stretching ahead of me, and I resolve to make the most of whatever opportunities I get.

Even as I write these words, I have a few months of stay at IIM Indore lying ahead of me. I do not know what new experiences I shall encounter during this period, but I am certain that I shall treasure them as much as I have treasured the past ones, and that I shall always remain thankful to IIM Indore for making me the person I am today.

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