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Sangharsh 2006 - The Sports Meet

- by Vinamra Srivastava *

The sports meet was announced quite a long back but the enthusiasm built up only gradually. The thing is that at this place if you (a fachcha I mean ) wants to take part in any extra curriculur event, you got to be mentally prepared to manage your time to the absolute second and be ready to put in the extra effort so as not to sacrifice on studies, which you really can't afford to.

Eleven sports were scheduled in all, that carried points and the rest few were just fun games like Frisbee (the IIM-A sport) and Tsepak (the IIM-B sport). The selections for all sports had started long back and even though the fachchas found it tough to manage, the response was pretty encouraging. I won't say the practice was up to the mark in most of the sports, but considering the severe time constraints we all work under, I think we did a decent job in getting as much practice as we could barring a couple of sports.

The meet was scheduled over three days and was the first in the Sangharsh Series which I hope both the institutes carry on for years to come. Kudos to both the sports committees for getting this event off the ground.

The IIM-B team arrived on friday night/saturday morning and lo and behold!!! What do we see... They have prepared special T-Shirts for the event that read: "Let's teach those nerds how to play ball." Holy cow... if they thought that we were some pushovers who don't know anything else other than academics, they were sadly and badly mistaken! That very instant our resolve to beat them was strengthened and we were all pumped up to prove them wrong.

Man, what audacity... in a way it was good for us because it got us going in full tempo. The tournament kick-started with Cricket. I have to accept that their team and preparation was very professional and even though we made a decent total, they chased it quite comfortably. Full marks to them... The overall score line (IIMA-IIMB) read 0-1.

We knew they were on a high after the victory and the second event planned for that day was Badminton. We knew we have to win this one to get level and we couldn't afford to let them get away with two wins on the very first day. We heard they had a national level player but our resolve was made of steel.


We had faith in ourselves. We had hired a wooden court in a club outside campus. Slowly and steadily the crowd built up minutes before the start of the game. By the time the match started, the court was full of supporters, shouting slogans and cheering the team. The enthusiasm was seen to be believed... Every point that we got was met with huge applause and the standard tempo shouts.

There were Singles / Doubles / Mixed Doubles matches planned for both men and ladies. We lost a hard-fought first Men's singles but after that it was WIMWI all the way... We demolished them in all the other games and the final score line read 6-1. We had got our revenge, our entire sports team got a huge morale boost with this comeback and we were all geared up for the next two days. The overall score line 1-1.

Before I go ahead, I just want to mention that I represented IIM-A in cricket and badminton, and won my badminton Singles match as well. I may goof up in the order of some of the events from now on and I hope the WIMWIAans and IIM-B people reading this would excuse me for that.

Tennis was next in line that took place at WIMWI campus way late into the night, after midnight. Now we have a class player in our team and we were confident of winning... and that's what precisely happened. We beat them by a heavy margin and there was no doubt all along who was dominant. So by the end of Day 1, we led them 2-1.

With every win, only one thought occupied our minds... to make them eat their own words of what they wrote on their t-shirts.

The next day was the most hectic one as majority of the events were lined up on that day. I may not be able to go into the details of all the other sports as I wasn't physically present for all of them, but briefly, here is what transpired...


IIM-B beat us in Chess, which I was told went to the final seconds, ditto with Swimming, where again the finish was very close but we lost. However, we got our revenge in Football and Snooker. We won Football handsomely by 4-1 if I remember correctly. I am told it was a clinincal performance and I have no doubts about that.

Before this match, our football team had played a couple of matches in a tournament at NIRMA University and had won by margins of 9-1 in both the games. We later went on to win the tournament comfortably and defend the title. 

In Snooker as well, we inflicted a heavy defeat on them with the star being our very own PGite Anubhav Kaul. Both Football and Snooker, just like Badminton and Tennis, were almost one-sided.

We also went on to beat them in Table Tennis, again pretty heavily (6-1 again, if I remember correctly), so the WIMWI team was on a roll and with each victory we moved from strength to strength. The support we got was awesome and the constant tempo shouts kept us motivated in all the events.

By the evening, we led 5-3 and we knew one more victory and we would be the kings!!!

The next event in line was Volleyball and the court was jam-packed with all the supporters. We had a garaba night that time on campus but the noise and enthusiasm was so much that people left their dances and came to the court to cheer WIMWI. The environment was electrifying to say the least. We had prepared two banners as a response to their t-shirt and held them all throughout the match to show them who's better! I won't disclose one on a public forum but the other read: "Sangharsh 2006: Another Chance for You to be the Second Best."

We beat them heavily in Volleyball as well and there it was!!! The Sangharsh Trophy was ours. We led 6-3 overall in a 11 event tournament. The crowd support was awesome to say the least during the Volleyball match. There was sledging going on as well and the tempo shouts knew no ends... we just kept on going and going...


The remaining two events were only for academic interest... Basketball and Throwball (Ladies). I have to say their Basketball team is awesome indeed and they displayed a thorough performance to rout our team... But the real tension and sledging was going on among the supporters... two factions had formed and what sledging... Oh god... I wouldn't have been surprised had things gone out of hand... But maturity prevailed and finally all was peace.

The final event was Throwball the next morning which we again won very comfortably... So there it was a perfect end...

IIM-A Beat IIM-B in Sangharsh 2006 by 7-4

In the closing ceremony, their Sports Committee President acknowledged candidly that they came here with the intention of teaching us a few things but underestimated our potential and didn't realize we would be so good...

I have to appreciate his statement and his maturity... A very gentleman like ending to the Sports Meet and we all appreciated his frankness and maturity by giving a huge round of applause.

All said and done, kudos to IIM-B for putting up a splendid show despite the tremendous home support we had... Hats off-to you guys!!! We hope to have a good time next year as well when we visit them.

Personally, it was a super tough but exciting week for me. I am a big sports freak and had not played a single sport in the first term. And hence, I grabbed this opportunity with both hands and was ready to put in the extra effort to do something which I love. Plus doing something apart from studies finally at WIMWI was thrilling.


It was tough. We used to go for badminton practice at night from 9.00 pm to 11.00 pm to the club... I would come back and mug for the next day... and then wake up again at 5.30 am to go for cricket practice... It was taking a toll on the body but my mind was relishing it.

The tournament was so very exciting. The feeling of cheering your team mates and college on the sidelines of the court... Those tempo shouts, this time not of Section A or Dorm 23 but of WIMWI... the feeling of unity and spirit... of being a part of the WIMWI family... I have to accept all this got me emotional... I felt proud of being here, being with everyone, fighting for my college and sharing all the ups and downs together.

WIMWI showed great spirit and proved yet again that it's the best, be it academics or sports. But what mattered to me the most was the strong bonding I reinforced with the institute and my tuchchas... from holding up the college banner standing on an iron railing... to shouting, "WIMWI ka tempo high hai" with the entire college...

... the feeling is exhilarating to say the least.

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