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The Serpent
This is the one who says,
"I tried to talk them out of it" or "I really fought for you," smiling
as they ooze insincerity. A masterful blend of snake oil salesman and
actor, she or he is verbally unctuous and inherently untrustworthy.
Think of Eve's
Temptress in the Garden and you get the picture.
The Workaholic
This person has no life.
They live to work. Ergo, work is life. They assume that the family photo
on the desk is enough quality time with the spouse and kids. Unrealistic
deadlines, calls at home, frequent business travel on weekends - these
are some of their favorite techniques. Most staff members end up working
excessive and late hours without recognition or reward. In fact, the
more work they accept, the more they are given, but the money and title
never seem to follow.
Hmmm... Time to manage
the Tough BOSS after you've tried it all... provided he aint THAT
Mind you, even if you do
all of these wonderful things, your boss may still be a jerk. But he'll
be a more manageable jerk. Or maybe you'll discover that he or she is
not so bad after all. Perhaps they've been mis-represented by jealous
colleagues, or have reputations that you assumed, falsely, were true.
Don't Push Your Boss's
Buttons. What are their pet peeves? What sets them off? Write them
all down, and for each pressure point, put an antidote that is the
opposite behavior. Now tape this list in a private but easily accessible
place and re-read it every day. Be sure to consider the "little" as well
as the big things. For example, you may not think it's a big deal to
arrive five minutes late to a meeting, but to your boss this frequent
tardiness indicates sloppiness, poor planning and a lack of respect for
him or her. They may view it as your failure to manage your time, or
think that you doubt the meeting's importance. Remember, this is all
about your boss's sensitivities, not yours.