Strategies for
Succeeding in Your Career
Help!!! I Hate My Boss!
- by Rabia Dhody *
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Have An Exit Strategy.
Think about it, write it down and file it away - you will feel better.
This should be a living document, including a current resume, a list of
head-hunters in your field and the names of three or four good
references. If you
decide, or it's decided for you, to leave, then the first thing you do
is pull out this document. And boy, will you feel better when you do.
Manage Your Boss.
Be it this job or the next, realize that you need a strategy on how to
manage your boss. Be cognizant of when you give them information, what
that information is and how you deliver it. Know your boss's weaknesses
and objectives, as well as the pressure they are under to perform their
job. Be aware of your own working style, and plan how you can balance
the two.
HAPPY Managing!!!