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Home » Analysis Zone » MFC Entrance Test

MFC Entrance Test - February 2008

Expert Suggestions on Preparation for Computer Based CAT-09

Some memory-based questions:

  1. Which of the following number is 2 more than a perfect square and 2 less than a perfect cube.
    1) 123               2) 402               3) 443               4) 198
  2. a4-a2 is always divisible by (a is a positive integer)
    1) 12                 2) 24                 3) 48                 4) 36
  3. Find the maximum value of the function 11- l3x-5l.
  4. A cat saw a hound at a distance of 80 m and started running away from it at a speed of 12 kmph. The hound saw the cat after 30 sec. And starts running after the cat at a speed of 16 kmph. After what time did the hound catch the cat?
  5. In an isosceles triangle, the median to the base is half of the equal sides and the base is 10 cm long. What is the length of the median?
  6. If 2A=3B and 4B=5C than what is the ratio of A and C?
  7. A man buys mangoes at the rate of 5 for a rupee. And sells them at the rate of 2 for a rupee. What profit did he earn?
  8. In how many ways can 5 boys and 5 girls be seated around a circular table such that boys and girls are seated alternately?
  9. If 4x-4x-1=24. What is the value of (2x) x?
  10. When ax2+bx+c is divided by (x-1) and (x-2), it gives remainder zero and if divided by (x+2) it gives remainder 6. What is the value of c?
  11. Find the area bounded by the curves y= lx-2l and y= 2-lx-2l?
  12. Find the product of all irrational roots of the equation
    (2x-1) (2x-3) (2x-5) (2x-7) = 9
  13. If the 49th term of an AP is 23 and the 62nd term is 37, find the sum of the first 110 terms of the AP.
  14. How many words can be formed by using the letters of the word �SPECIAL�?
  15. Which of the following is true?
    1) Z3-1 = Z2-Z                 2) Z3-1 > Z2-Z                
    3) Z3-1 < Z2-Z                 4) cant say
  16. Which of the following satisfy the equation 1/(1+x) x
    1) 1, -1              2) �2, 0 3) 0, -1              4) 2, -2
  17. The edge of a cube is increased by 150%. By what % the surface area of the cube would be increased?
  18. How many numbers below 660 are divisible by 5 & 11, but not by 3?
  19. How many values of x and y satisfy the following: lxl<100, lyl<100 and 4x+7y=3?
  20. Find the maximum value of (x+2)/(2x2+4x+8).
  21. What is the remainder when 289 is divided by 89?
  22. A clock strikes 12 times in 22 seconds. How many seconds will it take to strike 6 times?
  23. (1000111) 2 is divided by (101) 2. What is the remainder?
  24. What is the co-ordinates of the center of a circle if the co-ordinates of the extremities of its diameter is (2, -1) and (5, 2)?
  25. The vertices of a triangle are (0,0); (x1, y1) and (x2, y2). What is the area of the triangle?
  26. 7 Cosec θ � 3 Cot θ = 7. What is the value of Cot θ?
  27. Sin θ + Cos θ = a, and Sec θ + Cosec θ = b. What is the value of b (a2-1)?
  28. 3π/5 radian equals to how much degrees?
  29. The angles of a triangle are in the ratio of 3:4:5. What is the largest angle?
  30. A ladder of length 25 m leans against a wall such that the base of the ladder is 7 m away from the wall. The top of the ladder slips down by 4 m, then by how much distance the base of the ladder will be displaced?
  31. The first term of a GP is 5 and the common ratio is 2. What is the 8th term of the GP?
  32. Find the 8th term of the sequence 1, 4, 9 16, 25�.?
  33. In a GP, the sum of the first term and the last term is 66 and the product of the second term and the second last term is 128. What is the first term of the GP?
  34. In a right triangle, one of the sides is twice of the other and the hypotenuse is 10 cm long. What is the length of the smallest side?
  35. Two straight trees of length 20 m and 28 m has a distance of 17m between their tops. Find the distance between their bases.

Data interpretation and Logical Reasoning:


Total number of questions: 60

  • 20 questions on DS (Easy to moderately difficult)
  • 20 questions on DI (4 sets of 5 questions each; all were easy)
  • 5 questions on inferences (moderately difficult)
  • 5 questions on course of action (moderately difficult)
  • 5 questions on assumption (moderately difficult)
  • 5 questions on assertion and reason (moderately difficult)

Reading Comprehension and English Usage


Total number of questions - 60

  • One RC passage, with 7 questions in total. The topic was �Repetitive and mechanical works in automobile industry� (easy)
  • Filling the blanks � 10 questions (easy)
  • Similar words, antonyms, analogy � 17 questions (easy to moderately difficult)
  • Correct spelling � 10 questions (moderately difficult)
  • Correct use of idioms � 10 questions (easy to moderately difficult)
  • Sentence correction � 6 questions (easy to moderately difficult)

Some memory-based questions:

Fill in the blanks:

  1. A light rain �� to the humidity. (supplemented, added, increased, complemented)
  2. A chemist in the olden days was called �� (owl, Alchemist, Egoist, innovator)
  3. The good are often �.. with their bones. (bury, interred, asked, exhumed)
  4. Sand is to seed as pound is to �.. (spent, speak, speed, none of these)
  5. Ankle is to knee as wrist is to �� (hand, foot, finger, elbow)

Correct use of idioms:

  1. The ship was about to weigh anchor when the storm came� (weigh the anchor, lay the docking berth, raise the anchor as a preparation to sail again, drop the anchor)
  2. I think I got the law degree by guess and by god than anything else � ( by guessing the answer, by guessing the questions, by guessing and prosing, through no ability or effort of one�s own)
  3. It is sosha who wears the trousers in his house and he timidly allows it. - (wear pants, wears off the trousers, makes all the decisions, is the dominant partner)


  1. Foot : man :: Hoof : ?
  2. Shout : whisper :: Strike : ?
  3. Parrot : bird :: Fish : ?
  4. Gravity : pull :: Magnetism : ?


  1. Laud
  2. Weird
  3. onfute
  4. Abacus
  5. Gibberish


  1. Overturn
  2. Polemic
  3. Putrid
  4. Alleviate

General Awareness:

60 questions related to business, finance and current awareness.

Some memory-based questions:

  1. AMFI stands for -
  2. NAV stands for �
  3. LAF stands for �
  4. In which of the following years the IDBI Bank Ltd. merged with IDBI?
  5. � A friend you can bank upon� is the punch line of �
  6.  Profit is most likely to be an economy objective of �
  7. Market-based economy scarcity of factor of production means that �
  8. What is budget deficit?
  9. SBI Life Insurance Company Ltd. was established by the merger of which of the following companies?
  10. CEO and MD of Ranbaxy Ltd. is �
  11. Higher net worth as on 31.03.2007 � Reliance industries ltd., TCS, NTPC or ONGC
  12. RTGS stands for �
  13. ULIP stands for �
  14. Commercial paper stands for �
  15. What is the current CRR?
  16. If the Reserve Repo Rate increases, then bond price will- increase, decrease, remain constant?
  17. How many depositories are with SEBI?
  18. Demutualization means �
  19. Clause 49 deals with issues related to corporate governance. It is a clause of � SEBI act, The Companies Act, Schedule VI of the Companies Act, none of these
  20. Which is India�s first public sector enterprise? � Air India, Indian telephone industries, BSNL, VSNL
  21. The systematic risk of investing in an equity share is represented by a greek alphabet. It is �
  22. Who among the following is not a deputy governor general of RBI?
  23. The location of UMPP?
  24. Which company bagged the Krishnapatnam Ultra Mega Power Project (UMPP)?
  25. V. N. Dhoot is the head of ___________.

With best wishes!

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